Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My Tips for Seed Starting

Sometimes you get lucky and you plant a seed, give it a bit of water and it grows.  Other times it takes more effort to get things growing.

1. Remember that each seed variety germinates at a different rate.  Example:  Beans can take as few as 5 days to germinate while tomatoes may take up to 14 days.  Cabbage can germinate in as few as 5 days and peppers typically germinate in 10-14 days.

2.  Soak your seeds.  Not all seeds should be soaked (corn) but others like my peppers and tomatoes germinate quicker after a 12-24 hour soaking.  I soak beans for only 3 hours before I plant.

3.  Water.  It is important to keep your soil moist but not drenched.  Standing water is a no-no for germinating seeds.  On the other hand, if you let your soil completely dry out you might kill the delicate germinating seeds.

4.  Soil.  Most of my seeds are planted in Peat Pellets.  I know that the soil has not been contaminated with soilbourne fungus or disease AND Peat pellets make transplanting simple and easy.  When transplanting peat pellets I place the entire pellet into the ground or soil-filled container and cover with dirt.  EASY!

5. Warmth.  Seeds and seedlings should be kept warm during germination and growth.  Some people use grow lights.  I use my laundry room where I have plenty of natural light and no air conditioning.

Before you plant seedlings into their permanent home it is important to know the quality of your soil.  If your soil is like mine was when we first moved in it might take a few months (or a year) to grow a thriving garden.  To see the beginning of my garden check out Organic Gardening in South Florida.  Here's a teaser...
"In our current yard I was appalled at the state of the dirt when I first dug in. About 12 inches deep I found hard-packed, sandy soil.  About 6 feet away, also 12 inches deep I found construction junk like broken tiles."
Organically grown Serrano Peppers, Fine Verde Basil, Purple Opal Basil and Genovese Basil

I'm Guest posting over at Artistic Expressions!
Sharing this informative post HERE

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesdays with a Twist #17 and Growing!

Good Morning and welcome to another fantastic party!
Back to the Basics  

Did you get a chance to check out the Grow Your Own Wheatgrass Kits?
Rocky and Lucy love HomeGrown Wheatgrass
 Mary's heirloom Seeds is donating a portion of ALL kits sold thru July 31st to a local non-profit, no-kill cat/kitten rescue.

Are you ready to party?
We're your co-hosts 
Mary @ Back to the Basics and Joyce @ It's Your Life!  
Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
AND please welcome Angie @ God's Growing Garden

Each co-host will be sharing her own picks for Features. This gives everyone a better chance of being featured. Be sure to check all of our blogs to see if you were featured!
My Features this Week are:

Nourishing Meatloaf from Cats on the Homestead

If you've been featured we'd love for you to grab a button.

Back to the Basics
We all love comments!  we try to comment on each and every link. 

Please hop around and show some love!
The party starts every Tuesday at 7am EST and will continue until Friday at 11:59pm.  Feel free to stop back any time and "like" your favorites.  Please visit other blogs if you have a moment. 
Share older posts as well as new ones.  No limit on links!
*Pictures should be your own* 
By linking up you give us permission to use these photos
 (with proper link backs) in our features. 
And now for the party!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Planting Seeds in August in the Continental US

I'm serious!  There are plenty of seed varieties to plant during August!  I'm going to share this by region (not zone) to simplify things.  Last week I planted over 100 pepper plants in South Florida.  It's HOT here so tomatoes and peppers can be grown during the fall/winter months.

All of this information can be found at Mother Earth News
Yes, There may be other varieties to plant during the month of August.  Yes, I would love to hear what else you are planting in YOUR region!

Gulf Coast (all of Florida):
Peppers!!!  Beans, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Corn, Cucumber, Leeks, Lettuce, Peas, Pumpkins, Summer and Winter Squash, Watermelon and HERBS!!!

Beans, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Chard, Chinese Cabbage (pak choy),  Corn Cucumber, Kale, Leeks, Lettuce, Onions, Peas, Rutabaga, Spinach and Tomatoes.  Herbs!

Pacific Northwest:
Arugula, Beets, Carrots, Celery, Lettuce, Radish, Rutabaga, Scallions, Spinach and Turnips.  Herbs!

North Central Rockies:
Arugula, Beets, Kale, Lettuce, Radish, Spinach and Turnips. Herbs!

For the Central Midwest:
Arugula, beets, Carrots, Chard, Chinese Cabbage (pak choy), Kale, Lettuce, peas, Radish, Spinach and Turnips.  Herbs!

Southern Interior:
Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Chard, Chinese Cabbage (pak choy) Cucumber, Kale, Lettuce, Parsnips, Potatoes, Radish, Rutabaga, Summer Squash, spinach and Turnips.  Herbs!

Beets, Carrots, Collards, Kale, Lettuce, Peas, Radish, Rutabaga, Scallions, Spinach and Turnips. Herbs!

Maritime Canada and New England:
Arugula, Beans, Beets, Carrots, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Mustard, Radish, Spinach and Turnips. Basil!

Don't worry if you're just getting started on planting seeds.  Check out Seed-Starting Tips for how I ensure the best germination of my Heirloom Seeds.

Sharing this educational post HERE.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Creative Home & Garden Hop #2

That's right ladies an gentleman!!!  We have a NEW and improved HOP for your viewing and linking pleasure.

In case you missed it...We got Grass!
Mary Heirloom Seeds just announce "Grow Your Own Wheatgrass" Kits!  We're donating a portion of ALL kits sold thru July 31st to a local non-profit, no-kill cat/kitten rescue.

Did someone say party?

Welcome to the New and Improved Blog Hop!

The Creative Home & Garden Hop hosts:

Alison from Mumtopia
Kathy from Creative Home Expressions
Mary from Back to the Basics and Mary’s Kitchen
and Lisa from Little Homestead on the Hill and The Self Sufficient HomeAcre

Featured Posts

Each host will share her own features each week. This means you have an even better chance of being picked! Be sure to visit all of our hosts to see if your post was featured!

5 Color Silverbeet Swiss Chard from The Self Sufficient HomeAcre

Vegetable Gardening and Enjoying the food from Homespun

The Incredible Edible Vine from Live Ready Now

If you were featured, feel free to grab the button and share it on your blog!

The Little Homestead on the Hill
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Little Homestead on the Hill"><img src="" alt="The Little Homestead on the Hill" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Now, on to your latest creations!
  • Share up to 3 of your Creative Home and Garden posts. Etsy sellers are welcome to share here too. :)
  • Please link back to the hop in your post. If you don’t take a couple of seconds to do this, you won’t be featured. You can grab our cute button or use a text link in your post. Thanks for sharing the hop with others!
  • Pretty please, with cherries on top, go visit as many of the other bloggers posting as you can! The whole point of a hop is to build a community of like minded bloggers who share and support each other. :) We all love to hear from our visitors, so please leave thoughtful and kind comments when you visit!
  • Link your posts once. Please do not link the same post you linked last week! Let’s keep it fresh and fun!
  • By linking your posts here you are assuring us that all images and contents are your own, or you have permission to share them. You are also agreeing to let us share your post and images on social media and our blogs.
  • Happy hopping!

Little Homestead on the Hill
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Little Homestead on the Hill"><img src="" alt="Little Homestead on the Hill" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


That's right...That moment you've all been waiting for...CAT GRASS!
In honor of our sweet Rita who passed over the rainbow bridge last month, we have decided to offer Grow Your Own Cat Grass Kits at
Mary's Heirloom Seeds.

Each kit includes: 
coconut coir mat, non-gmo (soil-free growing medium)
Organic Hard Red Wheat, Non-GMO
Detailed Instructions

We will also GROW them for you in (downtown) Hollywood, Florida.  Orders must be placed 3-4 days prior to pick-up.

All of our cats love wheatgrass!  It gives them vital nutrients that they don't always get from cat food and encourages them not to eat our houseplants.

We plan to DONATE a portion of each kit sold from now until July 31st to a local non-profit, no-kill rescue.  Smitten with Kittens is a volunteer group of AMAZING people who rescue, foster and adopt out cats and kittens in Florida.  They work very hard and are always in need of supplies and volunteers.
Lucy loves homegrown grass!
We adopted baby Lucy from Smitten with Kittens last June and she is such a gentle and sweet addition to our family.  Rocky loves her and she loves him! 

1 - 4in x 5in non-gmo coconut coir
1 ounce Organic Hard Red Wheat, non-GMO
Detailed Instructions

3 - 4in x 5in non-gmo coconut coir
3 ounces Organic Hard Red Wheat, non-GMO
Detailed Instructions

ALL-In One
1 re-useable tray
3 - 4in x 5in non-gmo coconut coir
3 ounces Organic Hard Red Wheat, non-GMO
Detailed Instructions

Only Kit #3 includes a re-useable tray.  The first 2 kits ship for less because they are less bulky.  You can make your own tray by cutting off the bottom of a water/milk jug, milk or juice carton or even disposable baking pans.

Grow your Own Wheatgrass!

Sharing this informational post HERE.

Grow Your Own Catgrass!!!

Wheatgrass is like salad for your cats (or dogs).  Believe it or not...Cats and other creatures need vegetable matter in their diet, just like people, and Wheat Grass supplies that along with great nutrition.  Plus, by growing your own grass you ensure a healthy, chemical-free snack.
HomeGrown Wheatgrass
Our NEW Wheat Grass Kits include: 
Coconut Coir ( non-gmo, soil-free growing medium)
Organic Hard Red Wheat, non-GMO
Detailed Instruction

Start by soaking your seeds for 12-24 hours.  
This is a must to boost your wheat grass growth. 

You'll notice after 12 hours that the seeds are a bit bulkier now that they've soaked up a bit of water.

When your seeds have finished their soak, wet the coconut coir (soil-free growing medium) thoroughly.

 Spread soaked seeds over the coconut coir.

I grew a large tray for our cats but just a small tray for this tutorial.
Day 1
To water the wheatgrass I use a spray bottle to mist the seeds/grass.  There should not be standing water but just enough to keep the coconut coir moist.
Day 2!  Growing fast
Depending on how fast your wheatgrass grows, it should be ready for consumption after day 3.  If you want longer grass just let it continue to grow.
Rita and Lucy LOVE to eat grass!
By the end of Day 3 this grass is ready!

I let our large tray grow out for about 5 days to get nice tall grass.  Rocky likes to bury his whole face in it.
If you're ready to start growing your own chemical-free, non-gmo wheatgrass check out our new kits at Mary's Heirloom Seeds.

Sharing this informational posts HERE and the Creative HomeAcre Hop.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Are GMOs Poisoning our Children and Pets?

I am surprised at the number of people who ask me "What's a GMO?"

The short answer is
GMOs “genetically modified organisms,” are plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology (also called genetic engineering, or GE). This experimental technology merges DNA from different species, creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.  -from Non-GMO Project 

Check out more posts about GMOs for more info.

From Natural News:
Remember thalidomide? Babies being born with no arms and other heart-breaking deformities? Thalidomide was pushed as "scientific" and "FDA approved." The same lies are now being told about GMO: they're safe. They're nutritious. They will feed the world!

We are witnessing what may turn out to be the worst and most costly blunder in the history of western science: the mass poisoning of billions of people with a toxic food crop that was never properly tested in the first place.

What do you think about the statement above?   
When our sweet girl Rita passed away at 15 we were shocked!  She was our fur-baby!  The first week of May she was healthy and by the last week of June she was gone.  How does a healthy cat get go sick so fast.  Before you say "Well she must have been sick."  NO!  We had a complete blood panel run in April.

After several years of researching GMOs and their effect on humans I have almost cut them out of our lives entirely.  GMOs are only of the primary reasons I started Mary's Heirloom Seeds...To offer a source for organic, un-treated heirloom seeds for EVERY home gardener.  
WHY did I not think about what we were feeding our cats?  
It sickens me that we could have been poisoning her all this time.  All 3 of them!  Luckily, we switched foods last year to a natural, grain-free food and they all love it.
Are you thinking..."What do I do?"  How can I afford 'fancy' non-gmo food? 
First of all...non-gmo food doesn't have to break the bank.  You won't need a second (or first) mortgage to eat healthy or feed your family non-gmo foods.  Joyce at It's Your Life has an entire GMO Free page of resources to get you started.

Below are a few helpful links.  I don't expect anyone to believe everything I share.  I DO hope that you do your own research.  Get involved in your food and what you are feeding your family...Even if your family just includes you and your cats.

Institute for Responsible Technology:

Tomorrow we have a BIG announcement coming your way...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

We've Got Seedlings!!! Tuesdays with a Twist #16

LOTS of Seedlings!!!  Doc and I have decided to offer Heirloom Pepper and Tomato seedlings.  They are only available for pick-up.  I'm so excited!

Here is one of the Purple Beauty Bell Pepper seedlings

Anaheim Pepper seedlings (And Serrano peppers)

THIS is a Lemon Yellow Habanero!!!  Yes, we're growing seedlings!

Recently started from seed we have 
Amana's Orange, Cherokee Purple, Beefsteak AND Emerald Green Tomatoes

This is just the beginning!  We've got big plans for our little Heirloom Seeds business.

And now for the PARTY!

Back to the Basics  
We're your co-hosts:
Mary @ Back to the Basics and Mary's Kitchen
Joyce @ It's Your Life!  
Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

That means your post will be seen on 3 different blogs!!!  
We have decided to extend our co-host spots monthly! If you are interested in co-hosting for the month of October please send me an email to 

Each co-host will be sharing her own picks for Features. This gives everyone a better chance of being featured. Be sure to check all of our blogs to see if you were featured! 
There were so many amazing posts last week! 

My Features this Week are:

Thai Iced Coffee from One TIPsy Chick

If you've been featured we'd love for you to grab a button.

Back to the Basics
We all love comments!  we try to comment on each and every link. 

Please hop around and show some love!

The party starts every Tuesday at 7am EST and will continue until Friday at 11:59pm.  Feel free to stop back any time and "like" your favorites.  Please visit other blogs if you have a moment.

Share older posts as well as new ones.  No limit on links!
*Pictures should be your own* 
By linking up you give us permission to use these photos
 (with proper link backs) in our features. 
And now for the party!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.