Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday Throwback post and The Creative HomeAcre Hop

Good Morning!  Since March Against Monsanto is right around the corner (May 25th) I'll be sharing a few of my "throwback posts" about GMOs.

Honeybee Deaths and Genetically Modified Crops

This article was originally published by Global Research in March 2008
Commercial beehives pollinate over a third of {North}America’s crops and that web of nourishment encompasses everything from fruits like peaches, apples, cherries, strawberries and more, to nuts like California almonds, 90 percent of which are helped along by the honeybees. Without this pollination, you could kiss those crops goodbye, to say nothing of the honey bees produce or the flowers they also fertilize’.1 

      This essay will discuss the arguments and seriousness pertaining to the massive deaths and the decline of Bee colonies in North America. As well, it will shed light on a worldwide hunger issue that will have an economical and ecological impact in the very near future. 

      There are many reasons given to the decline in Bees, but one argument that matters most is the use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and "Terminator Seeds" that are presently being endorsed by governments and forcefully utilized as our primary agricultural needs of survival. I will argue what is publicized and covered by the media is in actuality masking the real forces at work, namely the impact of genetically modified seeds on the reproduction of bee colonies across North America.

      Genetically modified seeds are produced and distributed by powerful biotech conglomerates. The latter manipulate government agricultural policy with a view to supporting their agenda of dominance in the agricultural industry. American conglomerates such as Monsanto, Pioneer Hybrid and others, have created seeds that reproduce only under certain conditions, often linked to the use of their own brands of fertilizer and/or insecticide.

The genetic modification of the plant leads to the concurrent genetic modification of the flower pollen. When the flower pollen becomes genetically modified or sterile, the bees will potentially go malnourished and die of illness due to the lack of nutrients and the interruption of the digestive capacity of what they feed on through the summer and over the winter hibernation process.

 You'll find the rest of the article here.

And now for the Party...
Each of the co-host have chosen their own features so be sure to stop by each blog to see if you've been featured!

My favorite last week was Savory Caprese Quick Bread from Pink Recipe Box

The Creative HomeAcre hop is hosted by:

Manuela from A Cultivated Nest  
Mary from Back to the Basics and Mary's Kitchen  
Alison from Mumtopia and 
Lisa Lynn from The Self Sufficient HomeAcre  

That means that when you link up your posts each week, they will be viewed by even more people! Each host will be sharing her own picks for Featured Bloggers. This gives everyone a better chance of being featured and increases your exposure to new readers. Be sure to check all of our blogs to see if you were featured! Thanks to all of the talented bloggers who linked up last week! 

If you would like to be featured, be sure to link back to the hop! Grab the button if you were featured!
The Self Sufficient HomeAcre
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  Now, on to your latest creations!
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  • Please link back to the hop in your post. If you don’t take a couple of seconds to do this, you won’t be featured. I’ve created a couple of cute buttons for you to grab, or you can use a text link in your post. Thanks for sharing the hop with others!
  • Pretty please, with cherries on top, go visit as many of the other bloggers posting as you can! The whole point of a hop is to build a community of like minded bloggers who share and support each other. :) We all love to hear from our visitors, so please leave thoughtful and kind comments when you visit!
  • You are welcome to link your archived posts here, as long as all of the content you share is your own.
  • Link your posts once. Please do not link the same post you linked last week! Let's keep it fresh and fun!
  • By linking your posts here you are agreeing to let us share your post and images on social media and our blogs.
  • Happy hopping!
The Self Sufficient HomeAcre
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Stone Cottage Adventures said...

Thank you for bringing awareness to this critical issue. -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

mail4rosey said...

This is some great information to digest. And the savory bread you've featured looks delicious!

Stone Cottage Adventures said...

Thank you for hosting! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

Leovi said...

Great shots, I like the light and color in these flowers with bee, nice photos!

Heidi's Wanderings said...

I always feel sorry for bees. They do so much for us, and we've managed to kill off so many of them with our carelessness. Hope you have a great weekend.

Heidi’s Wanderings