I'm in the mood for a bit of healthy eating. We are absolutely inundated with junk food around the holidays and I refuse to add any more weight than I already have! This is My Journey post #9. It should really be called "How to Lose 5 Pounds in 5 Days."
Seriously...I've already lost 5 pounds!!!
Check out my meal plan at the bottom.
I love Fuji Apples! |
I found "The 10 Best Foods for Flat Abs" at Fitness Magazine so I thought I'd share. Many of the items below were mentions in 20 Superfoods for Weight Loss Part 1 and Part 2.
These delicious and versatile nuts contain filling protein and fiber,
not to mention vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. They're also a good
source of magnesium, a mineral your body must have in order to produce
energy, build and maintain muscle tissue, and regulate blood sugar.
You won't find a more perfect protein source. Eggs are highly respected by dietitians because of their
of essential amino acids (protein building blocks used by your body to
manufacture everything from muscle fibers to brain chemicals).
Soybeans are a great source of antioxidants, fiber, and protein. Plus,
they're incredibly versatile. Snack on dry-roasted soybeans, toss
shelled edamame into
soups, and slip a spoonful of silken tofu into your morning smoothie.
A 2003 study in the journal
Nutrition found that overweight women
who consumed three apples or pears a day for three months lost more
weight than their counterparts who were fed a similar diet with oat
cookies instead of fruits.
Most are loaded with fiber, every
dieter's best friend. The more fiber you eat -- experts say that it's best to get between 25 and 35 grams every day -- the
fewer calories
you absorb from all the other stuff you put in your mouth. That's
because fiber traps food particles and shuttles them out of your system
before they're fully digested.
Leafy Greens
Their cancer-preventing carotenoids won't help shrink your waistline,
but their low calorie count definitely will. One cup of spinach contains
only about 40 calories, while a cup of broccoli has 55 calories and
satisfies 20 percent of your day's fiber requirement.
People who get their calcium from yogurt rather than from other sources
may lose more weight around their midsection, according to a recent
study published in the
International Journal of Obesity. The
probiotic bacteria in most yogurts help keep your digestive system
healthy, which translates into a lower incidence of gas, bloating, and
constipation, which can keep your
tummy looking flat.
Veggie Soup
Researchers at Pennsylvania State University found that people who ate broth-based (or low-fat cream-based)
soups two times a day were more successful in losing weight than those who ate the same amount of calories in snack
especially fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel, is an excellent
source of omega-3 fatty acids. These uber-healthy fats may help promote
fat burning by making your metabolism more efficient, according to Kleiner.
Never heard of it? Pronounced KEEN-wah, this whole grain contains 5
grams of fiber and 11 grams of protein per half cup. Cook it as you
would any other grain (although some brands require rinsing). Quinoa's
nutty flavor and crunchy-yet-chewy texture are like a cross between
whole wheat couscous and short-grain brown rice.
Are you inspired yet? Remember, just because it's the "Holiday Season" does not mean it's okay to go overboard on the sweets and junk food. I worked hard to stay in shape all year and I'm not gowing to blow it now!
Here's a recap from Mary's Kitchen.
This has been my typical day of food.
Wake-up: 1 large glass of water with lemon or lime juice.
Breakfast: Oatmeal with a spoonful of honey and a cup of black coffee with honey.
Snack: Carrot Sticks and/or celery sticks. 1 cup of Slim Tea.
Lunch: Scrambled eggs (no cheese for now)
Snack: Protein Shake
**Let me be more specific**
I use Standard Process SP Complete. It is a natural, whole food product and is available non-dairy. I also add veggies to the shake.
No chemicals and non-gmo.
Dinner: Salad with homemade dressing and another protein shake.
Water is key. I drink about 10- 8 ounce glasses a day. Sometimes more when I workout. After
dinner I've been drinking a cup of Everyday Detox tea but I might
switch that to the morning. I love the slim tea and it's natural.
I'm also growing quite a bit a my own veggies in the garden. This past year I harvested Eggplant, Basil, Swiss Chard, German Giant Radish, Orange and Red Tomatoes, Carrots, Beets, Peppers, Dill and Calendula all from my little patch out in the yard.
It's an amazing feeling preparing a meal using veggies from the garden. Check out Mary's Heirloom Seeds for a unique selection of healthy, non-gmo, organic heirloom seeds.