Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Organic Garlic, Updates and NEW SEEDS!

I'm BAAAAACK!  I took a bit of a break (4 days) but now I'm back with so much good stuff to share.  
Let's start with Heirloom, Non-GMO seed and a reminder to VOTE FOR ME!

Plant a SEED for the BEES

Mary's Heirloom Seeds
So many exciting things are happening at
Mary's Heirloom Seeds!

--First, Mary's Heirloom Seeds has been chosen as  WILDCARD FINALIST in the Martha Stewart Awards.  You can vote up to six times every day until October 13th.  VOTE NOW
--Not sure if you noticed...Mary's Heirloom Seeds website has had a "facelift."  Not to worry, everything is still in the same place.  We've just done a bit of sprucing up for FALL.
--And lastly our Organic Garlic
Pre-Orders have all been shipped out.  Additional orders are available but they will take a bit longer to ship out as we had to place a second re-order. 
Our Garlic is Certified Organic and is available in

We also have a few  

NEW varieties for 2015!  

Jumbo Pink Banana Squash

Black Cherry Tomato

Purple Pear Tomato
Little Marvel Garden Pea
If you have additional questions please feel free to ask.
We are always happy to help!
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Tuesdays with a Twist #78 is LIVE!

Good Morning and welcome to another No Rules Party!
This week I have HUGE and exciting news to share!
In case you missed it... Mary's Heirloom Seeds is a WILDCARD FINALIST in the Martha Stewart American Made Awards!


Back to the Basics

We're your hosts 

The party starts every Tuesday at 7am EST and will continue until Friday at 11:59pm.  Feel free to stop back any time and "like" your favorites.  Please visit other blogs if you have a moment. 
Share older posts as well as new ones.  No limit on links!
*Pictures should be your own* 
By linking up you give us permission to use these photos
 (with proper link backs) in our features.   And now for the party!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Grow a Victory Garden

Whether you know it or not, whether you believe it or not, the United States has been at war or involved in conflict for over 50 years. source  Let me rephrase, the United States has been at war for my entire life and so much longer!

An entire generation of war children...Let that sink in!

You might be asking yourself, "What does a Victory Garden have to do with war?"  Everything!

Victory Gardens, also called War Gardens, were a product of WW1 and WW2.  From wikipedia, "They were used along with food stamps to reduce pressure on the public food supply. Around one-third of the vegetables produced by the United States came from victory gardens.[2] Besides indirectly aiding the war effort, these gardens were also considered a civil "morale booster" in that gardeners could feel empowered by their contribution of labor and rewarded by the produce grown. This made victory gardens a part of daily life on the home front.

What happened to the Grow Your Own movement?  With the influx of grocery store chains, fast foods and pre-packaged junk food society has become almost completely dependent on the corporate supply of "easy" foods.  The attitude of "why grow it when I can buy it" is obvious when you look at obesity, cancer and disease rates in this country.

Add to that the corporate takeover of family farms with their billions of gallons of toxic, cancer-causing pesticides and you have a recipe for disasterous reprocusions and potential for human extinction.  A bit dramatic?  Not when you think about how fast humans are killing bees.

Is it possible that corporate-funded lobbyists and law-makers want citizens to be dependent on their junk-food and "easy" food?  What would they gain?  MONEY!  If an informed population decided to stop spending their hard-earned cash on crap and made a lifestyle change it would revolutionize the Organic Growing movement.  We might see a HUGE shift in cases of diabetes, cancer and other diseases.  Can you imagine a healthier, happier society?

Want to learn more?  Check out

Now more than ever it is important for each individual to realize the importance of locally grown, homegrown foods.  Growing your very own organic garden is healthier for your body and healthier for the planet.

Check out Mary's Heirloom Seeds for Non-GMO, Heirloom Seeds to get your garden started out right! 

If you've never grown a garden but are interested in getting started please contact me.  I have many resources to get you started on your very own Victory Garden.
Send an email to mary@marysheirloomseeds.com


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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesdays with a Twist #77 and Gourd-O-Lantern GIVEAWAY

Good Morning and welcome to another No Rules Party!
This week I have HUGE and exciting news to share!
In case you missed it... Mary's Heirloom Seeds is a WILDCARD FINALIST in the Martha Stewart American Made Awards!


Check out our September Seed Planting Guide for the US by region 

We have a very special GIVEAWAY today!

Today I'm excited to announce another fantastic giveaway sponsored by
Angie @ God's Growing Garden.   We have 2 beautiful items for this Giveaway

1.  "Gourd-o-lantern" by Angie Ouellette-Tower

The gourd was grown in my garden and the artwork/painting is my original design - I painted it to look like a pumpkin Jack-o-lantern

2.  "Gourd-o-lantern Resin Earrings"
I took pictures of my Halloween gourd creations and then made them into resin earrings - they dangle with the charm of the fall season! This picture is of a cute "Frankenstein" gourd which I painted green to look like an authentic Frankenstein Monster

GOURD-O-LANTERNS From first frost to all Hallows Eve the Gourd-o-lanterns are a welcome guest to any house harvest time.

How to use:
NEVER put a candle inside!  ONLY use low voltage lights –eg. Christmas tree light strand (bunched up and placed inside), night-light etc.
NEVER leave light plugged in/turned on while unattended

The value of the Gourd-o-lantern gourd is $30 and the value of the earrings is $10
Total prize value - $40
This giveaway is open to residents in "the Lower 48 US"

Back to the Basics

We're your hosts 

The party starts every Tuesday at 7am EST and will continue until Friday at 11:59pm.  Feel free to stop back any time and "like" your favorites.  Please visit other blogs if you have a moment. 
Share older posts as well as new ones.  No limit on links!
*Pictures should be your own* 
By linking up you give us permission to use these photos
 (with proper link backs) in our features.   And now for the party!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

DIY Herbal Remedies and Benefits

Have you ever heard of a Tincture?  Do you currently use Herbal Home Remedies?
VOTE for MARY in the American Made Awards!

You can Vote Daily through October 13th!

Mary's Heirloom Seeds Newsletter
DIY Tincture Kits                    Herbal Home Remedies
In This Issue
Chamomile Tincture
Cayenne Tincture
Quick Links

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It's true...We are
in the American Made Awards!
VOTE for us Daily!

Make Your Own!
DIY Tincture Kits

DIY Chamomile Tincture Kit



Additional HERBS are available at

Saturday and Sunday
@ the Yellow Green Farmer's Market
in Booth #281
Join Our Mailing List
After our last email about our DIY Tincture Kit Special (with a free pack of seeds) we had so many inquiries I thought it best to share with everyone.

What is a Tincture?
An herbal tincture is simply an herbal extract.  Herbal remedies have been used throughout history to treat illnesses and ailments.  We use Tinctures for overall wellness!  Tinctures are easy to make, home remedies.  If properly prepared and stored, your tincture will last indefinitely.

Have you given any thought to making your own herbal home remedies? 

"Tincture Kits" purchased Monday-Thursday ship within 48 hours via USPS Priority Mail. 
Tincture kits include:
1 - 32 ounce Glass Jar with lid, 1 - 2 ounce Amber Bottle with dropper top,  2 customizable labels,
1 ounce of Organic Herbs (additional herbs available)
and Detailed Instructions

DIY Thai Holy Basil Tincture

In Ayurvedic medicine, Holy Basil is used as a tea or a tincture. Among its many medicinal uses are lowering cholesterol, as an immune booster, and lowering blood glucose levels.

"One of the primary medicinal uses for basil is for its anti-inflammatory properties. This effect stems from eugenol, a volatile oil in basil that blocks enzymes in the body that cause swelling, making basil an ideal treatment for people with arthritis. Basil, especially as an extract or oil, is known to have exceptionally powerful antioxidant properties"
NOTE: These claims have not been substantiated by the FDA and are not intended as medical advice
           Continue Reading 

The word "feverfew" derives from the Latin word febrifugia, meaning "fever reducer."
Feverfew is used most often today to treat migraine headaches. [UMM]
Feverfew has also be used for Asthma, Arthritis, Psoriasis, digestion and Menstrual cramps.                Continue Reading
NOTE: These claims have not been substantiated by the FDA and are not intended as medical advice

Helpful link:  Homemade Feverfew Tincture 

DIY Chamomile Tincture

Chamomile is an herb that comes from a flowering plant from the daisy family. Both the fresh and dried flowers of chamomile have been used to create teas for centuries to cure a number of health problems. The active ingredient in chamomile essential oil is known as bisabolol, which has a number of anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties.

What are the Benefits of Chamomile?
Chamomile can be used topically or orally to treat a number of everyday ailments, such as:
Insomnia and other sleep disorders
Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Muscle twitches
Wounds, burns, and scrapes
Skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, chickenpox, and diaper rash
Stomach problems such as menstrual cramps, stomach flu, and ulcers.             Continue Reading 

DIY Cayenne Tincture   *NEW*

Cayenne Pepper is a nightshade vegetable.  While adding a little (or a lot) of hot and spicy to any dish, cayenne pepper can also be very therapeutic.  Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which can open up your sinuses, fight inflammation, cardiovascular support, helps with ulcers, boosts immune system and metabolism.

THIS is what got my attention:  "Cayenne pepper's bright red color signals its high content of beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A. Just two teaspoons of cayenne pepper provide 47% of the daily value for vitamin A. Often called the anti-infection vitamin, vitamin A is essential for healthy epithelial tissues including the mucous membranes that line the nasal passages, lungs, intestinal tract and urinary tract and serve as the body's first line of defense against invading pathogens."        Continue Reading 
What do you think?  Are you ready to get started?

Your can read about my tincture results HERE and HERE.   If you have additional questions please ask.
We are happy to continue to provide growing knowledge for you, your family and friends.

Mary                                    Like us on Facebook

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