Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween! It's a light Show!

I'm working today and I've just finished sprouting Broccoli!  
Enjoy a few of my favorite light shows!
See you back here on Friday!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Broccoli Sprouts Day 3 and 4

I've been a bad blogger!  Not really...Sometimes you just gotta take a day off for yourself!  That's what we did.  Sunday was resting, reading and eating yummy food!

You'll have to wait til my final post of sprouting broccoli to learn about all of the wonderful health benefits of broccoli sprouts.  As I said in Day 2, the first 3 days are the same.  
Rinse and drain, soak then rinse on an 8 hour cycle.
Day 3 up close

Have you been diligent about rinsing your broccoli seeds and draining thoroughly?  The most common cause of inferior sprouts is not properly rinsing and draining.
Day 3 after soaking

On the 4th day relocate your sprouts if necessary.
If you've been keeping them away from light, move them. Avoid direct sun.  It can cook your sprouts. Indirect sunlight is best but virtually any light will do.
The end of Day 4!
Your sprouts will be done during day 5 or 6.
The majority of sprouts will have open leaves which will be green if you exposed them to light.

Before your final rinse; remove the seed hulls.
Brassica sprout hulls are quite large (relative to the seed and sprout) and they hold a lot of water - which can dramatically lessen the shelf life of your sprouts

Your sprouts are done 8-12 hours after the final rinse.  After you de-hull and the final rinse we need to drain very thoroughly and let our sprouts dry a bit.  At this time, you can spread your seeds out only a plate

Transfer the sprout crop to a plastic bag or the sealed container of your choice.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Broccoli Sprouts: Day 2. Journey Post #5

Welcome back to another day of Sprouting!  Days 2 and 3 are pretty simple so these posts will be brief.  During the entire 5 days of Sprouting  there are few very important things to remember.
36 Hours of the rinse/drain cycle.  Little broccoli sprouts are emerging

1. Don't let the kitten or the kids knock over your sprout jar.
2. It is a 6-8 hour cycle.  I use the 8 hour cycle.  Soak for 8 hours.  Drain, rinse thoroughly and drain.  No water for 8 hours.  I find that it is very easy to just leave the sprout jar upside down so that it drains thoroughly and get a bit of fresh air.
3.  Don't forget about your sprouts like I did the first day. 
4.  Keep your sprouting jar out of direct sunlight.
Did you miss Broccoli Sprouts: Day 1 ?


Tomorrow I'll share the health benefits of Broccoli Spouts.
Happy Sprouting!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Broccoli Sprouts Day 1. Journey post #4

I've been teasing you all week about sprouting Broccoli.  I shared in Eat to Beat Cancer part 3 that "those who eat the most cruciferous vegetables — items like cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and broccoli — have the best survival rate."

We eat veggies in our house every day but sprouts are a special thing.  I don't have to dig in the garden and sweat over the weeds to get homegrown sprouts.  Sprouts take anywhere from 24 hours to 5 days.
So here we go!

Broccoli Sprouts
Seed to sprout in 3-6 days
Yield is up to 1:5
Sprout shelf life is up to 6 weeks if stored properly.
I started with 1 tablespoon

Prep 3 Tablespoons of seed then transfer into a bowl or into your Sprout Jar.  Add 2-3 times as much cool (60°-70°) water.

Mix seeds up to assure even water contact for all.  Note: Brassicas tend to float. Try to sink those that do by knocking them down with your fingers. It isn't a big deal but it is a good habit.  Allow seeds to Soak for 6-12 hours.
Move the jar so the kitten won't knock it over!
Empty the seeds into your Sprout Jar.  Drain off the soak water.  You may water plants or use it in stock if you like - it has nutrients in it.  

Rinse thoroughly with cool (60°-70°) water.  Drain thoroughly!

Set your Sprout Jar anywhere out of direct sunlight and at room temperature (70° is optimal) between rinses.  This is where your sprouts do their growing. We use a counter top - in the corner of our kitchen, but where the sprout jar won't get knocked over by cats, dogs, kids or us.

Rinse and Drain again every 8-12 hours for 3 days.  Be sure to drain very thoroughly.

If you would like to sprout along, check out Mary's SPROUTS page!  When you place your order just leave a comment that you found me from Back to the Basics and I'll include a free ounce of seeds.  If you order $35 or more of seeds or kits I'll include an extra 2 ounces and an extra Screen for FREE!  Shipping is always free!

Happy Sprouting!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Stay Positive! Journey post #3

For me, the most important part of any project or the "race" is staying positive.  Rather than making a list of all the bad stuff I have eaten lately or the negative stuff that we do to sabotage our health I'm going to share the good stuff.

We don't watch TV!  I'll be more specific.  We do not have cable because there isn't much to watch and because it is a waste of our time.  We watch the occasional movie or documentary on Netflix.  Let's face it, "reality" TV is not reality!

We eat salad or veggies every day.  Salads are usually with homemade dressing.  I use the Apple Cider Viniagrette recipe and have for years. 

We eat almost all of our meals at home.  The last time we went out to eat was September for my Birthday.
Sweet and Spicy Acorn Squash
Most days I drink 8 glasses or more of plain water.
We do not drink soda.

We workout together.  Our strict regimen of 4-5 times per week has suffered quite a bit but we still do it together.

I don't use a lot of canned food in our meals.  Most of what I cook is fresh.  I'm working on home-canning a few things such as black beans and green beans but I'm waiting until the weather cools down a bit.
Apricot Cranberry Jelly
Whatever baked goodies we eat are homemade.  Store bought goodies can be chemical laden and contain much more fat and sugar than what I make at home.

We have a small garden where we grow heirloom veggies!  Even if you don't have room for a large garden, herbs are so easy to grow. {not to mention cheap}  By growing some of our veggies and herbs at home we:
-Save money (especially on herbs)
-Eat healthier produce since we don't use chemicals and pesticides
-Help the environment since our food didn't have far to travel (20 feet)
-Get more exercise while out in the garden

We use Heirloom Seeds in our garden.  
This allows me to harvest better produce and ensure a trustworthy supply of seeds for food year after year. 
It's a win win all around!  

That's it for now.  I'm sprouting and I'll be sharing the process in my journey.  I'm working on setting goals so once I'm finished I'll share the process.  If you'd like to join my journey just send me an email.  Let me know if you would like to share as a guest post.  My email is

BTW, the Coconut Oil Giveaway at Mary's Kitchen and the Non-GMO Heirloom Seeds Giveaway at It's Your Life are still going!

Until next time!  Enjoy my garden pics!
Dark Purple Opal Basil from seed

Baby Black Beauty Eggplant from seed
Cal Wonder Bell Pepper from seed

German Giant Radish from seed

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Eat to Beat Cancer (part 3) My Journey post #2

Welcome to Part 3 of Eat to Beat Cancer!  Have you had your mammories checked?  When was your last self-exam? Save the Tatas!

Foods to Eat for Breast Health

Fenugreek!  You can Sprout it, use it ground as a spice or take ii as a supplement.  From Livestrong: "Fenugreek was used to boost bust size and to stimulate breast milk production long before silicone breast implants and breast pumps ever existed. Used for centuries in Greek, Arabian and Indian medicine, fenugreek still enjoys a breast-friendly reputation."
Fenugreek seeds!
Have you checked out Eatingwell.comTons of great information!
From Brierley Wright  over at 9 Foods for Better Breast Health
-Plums and Peaches
-Salmon (fish oil)
-Olive Oil
Click the link to read the entire article and the research behind each food!

"I believe wholeheartedly in my diet as a means of helping my body minimize the risk of cancer recurrence. I now look at everything I eat in a very mindful way, asking myself, 'How does this food nourish me? How does it promote my recovery?' By asking myself these questions, I am acknowledging that food nourishes both the body and the soul"
Diana Dyer, M.S., R.D.

Diet is thought to be partly responsible for about 30% to 40% of all cancers. But diet alone is unlikely to be the "cause" or "cure" of cancer. Although more research needs to be done on diet and breast cancer, findings suggest that physical activity, a healthy diet (particularly one low in fat and high in vegetables and fiber), and a healthy weight can help reduce the risk of breast cancer or the cancer coming back.

Broccoli and Broccoli Sprouts!  From Easy Health Options,

So it’s no surprise that researchers studying women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer find that those who eat the most cruciferous vegetables — items like cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and broccoli — have the best survival rate.

“Breast cancer survivors can follow the general nutritional guidelines of eating vegetables daily and may consider increasing intake of cruciferous vegetables, such as greens, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, as part of a healthy diet,” says researcher Sarah J. Nechuta, M.P.H., Ph.D., of Vanderbilt University.

As I said in Journey Post #1, I am sprouting broccoli!  If you would like to sprout along with me, check out Mary's SPROUTS page.  When you place your order just leave a comment that you found me from Back to the Basics and I'll include a free ounce of seeds.  If you order $35 or more of seeds or kits I'll include an extra 2 ounces and an extra Screen for FREE!  Shipping is always free!
Broccoli Sprouts from raw epicurean
Read Homegrown Sprouts for more info!  Happy Sprouting!

Monday, October 22, 2012

It's a Fight to the Finish! Journey post #1

This is a regular statement at the Chiropractic office.  For us it means that staying healthy is a lifelong "race" to the end.  
I'm going to share my story today. 
 From left to right, my sisters Jen and Michelle.  I'm on the right!
I have struggled with weight issues for what seems like my entire life.  I was heavy as a kid but slimmed down in high school.  I gained again between ages 19-24.  In 2008 (above)  I was the heaviest I have ever been.  I was heavier than my sister who had just given birth!
My niece and nephew love when Auntie comes to visit
When I met my now hubby I was heavy again.  This time from a nasty car accident that left me without the use of my right hand.  With his help I was able to regain full use of my hand, keep the migraines away and get back to the gym.  

4 years ago I lost 51 pounds!  How you ask?  I changed the way I ate and drank, made time for the gym and let go of the negativity that had overtaken parts of my life.  For over 3 years I kept off the weight.  
April 2012
 But (and the butt is getting bigger) in the last 6 months I have gained about 15 pounds back due to one excuse after another.  I don't have a picture but I can't quite fit in my skinny jeans.  It's not just about weight...It's about how we feel and I just don't feel good!

Today we agreed that the excuses need to stop.  As the "cook" in the house I will provide lighter meals and more protein/veggie shakes.  As the "motivator" of the house he will push more gym regularity.  No more excuses!

I started thinking about this post as "starting" my journey.  I'm actually continuing my journey and would like to encourage you to share your own.  If you are interested in a guest-post you can send me a private email at

For the next few weeks (maybe months) I'll share with you my ups and downs of trying to get back to living a healthier more organized life.  You'll find that Mary's Kitchen will have a bit of a makeover as well.  With the holidays fast approaching I know this will be no easy task.  I started Broccoli Sprout seeds this morning so stay tuned!

For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.   ~Steve Jobs

Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living?  ~Bob Marley 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Homegrown Sprouts!

Welcome to the Wonderful World of SPROUTS!

Mary's Sampler Pack
Sprout Seeds come in many different colors and size.  Above from left to right is:  Mung Beans, Alfalfa, Fenugreek and Broccoli.  The lower multi-colored pack is Mary's Protein Power Mix and includes: Garbanzo, Adzuki and Mung Beans as well as Green Peas.

Before I get too far into my post...I've been interviewed by a fellow blogger and I'd LOVE for your to stop by and check out her blog!  It's live!  Thank you Joyce at It's Your Life!

Back to sprouts...As soon as I complete Eat to Beat Cancer part 3 I'll get back to sharing what I'm sprouting.  I think Broccoli Sprouts are next on my list...Broccoli was recommended in Eat to Beat Cancer part 1.

It's amazing that each seed or bean can grow from 2 to 7 times it's size!  Want to start Sprouting at Home?  Below is a link to purchase Mary's Sprouting Kit.  All orders in October will include an extra 2 ounces of seeds for free (4 ounces total)!

Choose Qty

For nutrition and health information about sprouts I recommend 
"To Sprout or not to Sprout."

Here's a random request.  When you have a moment, please read The Dark Side of Food and Food Production.  It is something that myself and thousands of other are very passionate about.  What do you think?
Organic Broccoli Sprouting Seeds
Organic Alfalfa Sprouting Seeds

Organic Mung Beans
Organic Fenugreek Sprouting Seeds
Ready for the grand finale?

I'm hosting a giveaway at Mary's Kitchen and I'll love for you to stop by.  Enter to win!
Thanks for stopping by!  Have an amazing weekend!

Mung Beans after 8 hours in water
Mung Beans Day 2
Mung Bean Sprouts Day 3
Mung Bean Sprouts Day 4
Smashed bean Cucumber Avocado Club with homegrown Sprouts!
I hope you enjoyed my photo-filled post!  Happy Sprouting!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

DIY Plate Decorating

I know it's fall and most of you have begun decorating for the upcoming holidays.  Instead of the typical fall DIY decorating, I've been working on my fall garden.  That's not all!  I've been making a few changes to our office but you'll have to wait and see how everything works out.

While I was away visiting family in September I decided to get the kids involved in a fun craft.  We used simple dinner plates and permanent markers for a super easy and inexpensive craft.  The most difficult part was deciding what to draw.
Start with your plate.

Before you get started with the markers I recommend covering your fancy table linens or just put them asides for later.  We used an old drop cloth.
The kids had a great time!
Abi's plate
My mom made a "birthday" plate to go with our family "elephant" cup that we use for birthdays.  It's a tradition!

My sister made a really cool Bubble gum machine plate.

I helped the little one with her name (she's 2) 
and the butterfly, she did the rest!
We're not finished yet!  Once everyone finishes decorating their plates it's time to bake them.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.  Once your oven is ready, bake your plates for 30 minutes.

You don't have to use plain white dishes either.  I'm planning to do this again with a few jazzy dishes.  Next time I decorate plates I'm going to use square plates.  I'm thinking super cool Christmas gifts!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mary's Salsa Garden Pack Winners!

Mary's Heirloom Seeds is one of my own companies.  Our garden seed varieties are non-gmo, open-pollinated, organic heirloom seeds.  Our Sprouting seed varieties are non-gmo and certified organic.  
Ace 55 Tomatoes
Growing and sprouting instructions are available here at Back to the Basics under Growing from Seed and Sprouts.  I don't have all of the sprouting instructions available online but they are included with purchase of sprouting kits and sprout seeds.
Mary's Sprouting Kit
If you have growing, sprouting or seed questions please feel free to ask.  I'm no expert but I'll try!
Thank you rafflecopter for choosing the winners so quick and easy...
And the winners are {drumroll}

Mary's Salsa Garden Pack:  Jessica from Healthy Mommy, Healthy Baby
Ace 55 Tomato Pack:  Joye Barr
Ace 55 Tomato Pack:  Momto8blog
Congrats to you! 
Anaheim Pepper

I have sent each of you an email with the giveaway info and instructions to claim your prize.   

If you have a moment, stop by Mary's Kitchen and read Health Alert Follow-up and Post-Gym Super Meal.  It's a follow up to the Meningitis post with an super-charged post-workout meal.  Have a wonderful Sunday!

The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature.  To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.   ~Alfred Austin

Saturday, October 13, 2012

WOOHOO!! More Features!

I've been featured again!  Both Mary's Kitchen and Back to the Basics have been featured.  I'm so excited!  My Homemade Salsa Recipe and Eat to Beat Cancer (part 1).

Check out Show Off Friday.  Stop by and link-up if you'd like.  Show some love!

In case you missed it, check out Eat to Beat Cancer (part 2) and Meningitis Health Alert.  These are two very important health posts.  Part 3 of Eat to Beat Cancer is on the way!

I'll be announcing the winners to the Mary's Salsa Garden Giveaway tomorrow!  Thank you everyone who entered.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Happy Friday and Aloha from Back to the Basics!

I don't know about you but I'm really looking forward to the weekend.  I have to work for a few hours on Saturday and then the rest of the weekend is just for us.  By us I mean the hubby and our super spoiled feline children.

Last weekend I painted the back wall of our office.  It was an UGLY shade of green!
Getting Started!  It's a BIG wall!
It's hard to tell from the picture but the new color is just a hint of mint.  It covered the green really well.  Yes, I actually finished painting but didn't manage to take a final shot nor can I get the entire wall in one photo.

I'm working on a few posts at the moment:
1.  The final installment of Eat to Beat Cancer
2.  The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil
3.  The Health Benefits of Yarrow
If you have not seen them yet, check out Eat to Beat Cancer: Part 1 and Part 2.

Plus, I'm working on a few recipes for Mary's Kitchen but you'll just have to be surprised!
Baby Lucy is 4 months old now!  She's so tiny and loves boxes!
The Mary's Salsa Garden Giveaway ends tonight at Midnight!

Welcome to the Aloha Blog Hop!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Just a quick update!

I'm still around!  I'm working on the grand finally for Eat to Beat Cancer, cooking and baking, working in the garden and painting in the office.
Memories!  Me with my niece and nephew last month.  They decorated my shirt!
Tomorrow is the Aloha Blog Hop so be sure to stop by.

The Mary's Salsa Garden Giveaway ends tomorrow at Midnight!
Part of my sister's garden
Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.   ~Mark Twain

Monday, October 8, 2012

Eat to Beat Cancer (part 2)

I planned to get started on this post several days ago but I was sidetracked by the recent Meningitis Outbreak due to contaminated steroid injections.  So, on to Breast Cancer Awareness!
(part 1 here)

I like food!  I also like my body and fitting into my jeans. We make choices every day the will potentially effect us for the rest of our lives.

Did you know that by avoiding certain foods you may be able to reduce your risk for cancer? Do you know that even men are at risk for breast cancer?

According to, (click the link for all of the stats)
  • bout 1 in 8 U.S. women (just under 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.
  • In 2011, an estimated 230,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer were expected to be diagnosed in women in the U.S., along with 57,650 new cases of non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer.
  • About 2,140 new cases of invasive breast cancer were expected to be diagnosed in men in 2011. A man’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is about 1 in 1,000.
  • For women in the U.S., breast cancer death rates are higher than those for any other cancer, besides lung cancer.
  • Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women. Just under 30% of cancers in women are breast cancers.
  • In 2011, there were more than 2.6 million breast cancer survivors in the US.
  • A woman’s risk of breast cancer approximately doubles if she has a first-degree relative (mother, sister, daughter) who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. About 15% of women who get breast cancer have a family member diagnosed with it.
  • About 5-10% of breast cancers can be linked to gene mutations (abnormal changes) inherited from one’s mother or father. Mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are the most common. Women with these mutations have up to an 80% risk of developing breast cancer during their lifetime, and they are more likely to be diagnosed at a younger age (before menopause). An increased ovarian cancer risk is also associated with these genetic mutations.
  • In men, about 1 in 10 breast cancers are believed to be due to BRCA2 mutations, and even fewer cases to BRCA1 mutations.
  • About 85% of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of breast cancer. These occur due to genetic mutations that happen as a result of the aging process and life in general, rather than inherited mutations.
Breast Anatomy
Care2 (while I never don't always agree with their politics) has a great article about foods to avoid to reduce your risk.
1. All charred food, which create heterocyclic aromatic amines, known carcinogens. Even dark toast is suspect.
2. Well-done red meat. Medium or rare is better, little or no red meat is best.
3. Sugar, both white and brown–which is simply white sugar with molasses added. (See Care2′s Directory of Natural Sweeteners for great, healthy alternatives.)
4. Heavily salted, smoked and pickled foods, which lead to higher rates of stomach cancer.
5. Sodas/soft drinks, which pose health risks, both for what they contain–sugar and various additives–and for what they replace in the diet–beverages and foods that provide vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
6. French fries, chips and snack foods that contain trans fats.
7. Food and drink additives such as aspartame.
8. Excess alcohol.
9. Baked goods, for the acrylamide.
10. Farmed fish, which contains higher levels of toxins such as PCBs.

I cut out most of these items when I decided to live healthier and lose weight.  

-We don't grill anything because it creates carcinogens (like smoking a cigarette).  
-We recently switched to Agave or honey instead of sugar.
-Soda?  I had a diet coke habit and for the hubby it was Monster.  Not only is it expensive but it ruins your teeth, stomach, liver and health.  Save your money and drink water!
-Trans fats = Yuck!
-Asparatame = POOP!  Literally!  There is evidence that not only does Asparatame make you FAT by making you crave more sugar but also that it is from GMO E.Coli Excrement.  Yep, POOP!
-Alcohol, sorry folks but I'm not giving up my glass of wine here and there.  Moderation is key!
-Baked Goods?  OUCH!  If you make your goods from scratch they should not have the same chemicals as store-bought.  Remember my post 6 Ingredients you May Not want in Your Food! 

I hope you have enjoyed this informative post.  I learn something new every day!  Stay tuned for Food for Breast Health!

***Enter Mary's Salsa Garden Giveaway!***

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Rare form of Meningitis and Why I choose Chiropractic!

I'm taking a break from the Health Benefits of Herbs series to talk about a very important topic.

We sent out a newsletter alert to our friends, family and Chiropractic patients this week due to the recent outbreak of a rare form of Meningitis.  This is Meningitis is not contagious but instead caused by contaminated steroid injections.  Below is the newsletter.  PLEASE feel free to share this on facebook, your own blog or with your friends and family!!!

We don't normally send out multiple newsletters in a single month but this is just too important.
You may have already seen in the news that there has been a recent outbreak of a rare form of Meningitis.  What you may not have heard is that hundreds, potentially thousands of people may be at risk possibly due to contaminated steroid injections.  
"So far, 35 people have fallen ill with fungal meningitis and five have died after receiving shots in the spine."

You need to understand, that these shots are going into the same envelope that surrounds your brain. At this time, illnesses have been reported in Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Maryland and Indiana.

Many patients who choose to receive steroid injections for back pain are at their whit's end.  They feel that it is their last option and that if all else fails there is always surgery.  This is not true.  Chiropractic should be your first choice.  Statistics prove that less than 40% of back surgeries are successful.

Back pain is a serious issue. 
One we understand completely.
From the ACA, "Although chiropractors care for more than just back pain, many patients visit chiropractors looking for relief from this pervasive condition. In fact, 31 million Americans experience low-back pain at any given time.
  • One-half of all working Americans admit to having back pain symptoms each year.
  • Back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work.  In fact, back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor's office, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections.
Chiropractic is a safe and cost effective alternative to pharmaceutical or surgical intervention.  If you or someone you know suffers from headaches, back or neck pain we encourage you to find out what Chiropractic can do for you!

chiro image
Do you have pain due to an Injury? 
I tell patients just about every day, "Pain is what brings people to the Chiropractor but we are about wellness."

Chiropractic care provides relief for many people with a great number of health conditions.  I have had patients report increased energy, better sleep, improved golf game and less instances of headaches and migraines. 

That's just the beginning!
Has your child been injured?
According to the CDC and AOSSM
  • High school athletes account for an estimated 2 million injuries and 500,000 doctor visits and 30,000 hospitalizations each year.
  • More than 3.5 million kids under age 14 receive medical treatment for sports injuries each year.
  • Children ages 5 to 14 account for nearly 40 percent of all sports-related injuries treated in hospitals. On average the rate and severity of injury increases with a child's age.
  • Overuse injuries are responsible for nearly half of all sports injuries to middle and high school students
Remember, you don't have to live with pain.  We are here to help in any way we can.
You may or may not know that my hubby is a Chiropractor...No, he's an AMAZING Chiropractor.  He has helped me loose weight, feel better and I am pleased to report that I have not had a migraine in over 4 years!!!  If you have never seen a (good) Chiropractor you have no idea what you are missing.  If you have any questions about Chiropractic please feel free to ask.  

Chiropractic is safe for pregnant women, children and elderly.  The only side effects that I can report (for me) are increased energy, better sleep, NO migraines and less pain.  I'll take chiropractic over potentially deadly "modern medicine" such as injections, pharmaceuticals and surgery Thank you very much!

There is still time left to enter the Mary's Salsa Garden Pack Giveaway!
If you missed the Health Benefits of Herbs series so far, check it out HERE.
Linking up HERE.