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If you'd like to start sprouting let me know!
Survival Gardening: Sprouts!
do you do when you want to grow nutrient dense food with little or no
space? Is time a factor? Sprout it! I've talked about sprouts before
and I've shared my own experiences.
In "To Sprout or not to Sprout" I shared the health benefits of sprouts. There is so much more to sprouts!
Check out a neat Video I found about Sprouting Grains. (Not me in the video)
Sprouting Grains Video
has been used in various food products and some researches have been
done with the common buckwheat. It contains proteins, flavonoids,
flavones, phytosterols, thiamin-binding proteins, and other rare
compounds in its seeds. It has been speculated that buckwheat may
benefit people with cholesterol issues, hypertension and constipation.
This one quart sprouting jar is everything you need to learn
the basic aspects of sprouting. A perfect way to get started.
Includes: glass jar (1 quart size), lid with screen, and sprouting instructions.
includes 5 - 2 oz. Organic sprout seed packs, one of EACH variety: Alfalfa, Buckwheat, Hard Red Wheat, Mung Beans and Mary's Protein Power Mix.
Includes detailed sprouting instructions.
More info
Dear Mary,
Do you eat Sprouts? Do you grow your own sprouts?
I have been growing/eating sprouts for a while. I sprout "cat grass" which is actually wheat grass, for our 2 cats and they LOVE it. I sprout Mung Beans for stir fry and Alfalfa for sandwiches and salads.
Save money and Sprout your Own!
Sprouts are nutrient dense and take up almost no space. If you
want fresh veggies without having to grow a garden, sprouts are the way
to go.
Do you know that a small bag of Mung Beans sprouts at the grocery store costs about $8? That's ridiculous!
For $6.50 you can get 8 ounces of Mung Beans (seeds), which will make LOTS sprouts. When I sprout 1/3 cup of Mung Beans I usually get about 3 cups of sprouts after 5 days!!!
important, by growing your own you are in control of your food. You
can decide when to grow, how much to grow and grow them organically.
Alfalfa sprouts contain
only 8 calories per serving, making this crunchy food an ideal choice
for people who are trying to lose weight. Self magazine grants alfalfa
sprout a five-star rating as a weight loss aid, noting that it is low in
calories, sugar, fat and saturated fat. Additionally, because alfalfa
sprouts are rich in fiber and protein, they may help to facilitate
sensations of fullness for people who tend to overeat. Continue reading
Eating broccoli sprouts may be able to
protect people from cancer, according to scientists from Johns
Hopkins. The Maryland-based researchers found that young broccoli
sprouts contain a substance called sulforaphane in concentrated
amounts. Sulforaphane helps the body fight cancer, and may prevent
certain cancers from developing. Researchers call this phenomenon
provides a variety of vitamins, minerals, proteins, healthy fats and
fiber. One teaspoon of fenugreek contains 12 calories, 0.85 g protein,
0.24 g fat, 0.9 g fiber, 7 mg calcium, 1.24 mg iron, 7 mg magnesium, 11
mg phosphorus and 28 mg potassium. Continue Reading
cup, or 104 g serving, of sprouted raw mung beans provides 155 mg
potassium and only 6 mg sodium. Try to get at least 4,700 mg potassium
and no more than 2,300 mg sodium per day to avoid high blood pressure
and an increased risk for heart disease, stroke and kidney disease,
according to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines from the U.S. Dept. of Health
and Human Services.
Continue Reading
grains, seeds and nuts are germinated, their nutritional content
changes and, as they are generally not cooked, they retain their
natural plant enzymes. Sprouts, as well as being very digestible, are a good source of fiber and protein, and are high in vitamins and minerals.
Are you ready to get Sprouting?
If you have additional
questions or concerns please feel free to ask. One of the great things
about Sprouting is that is takes up almost no room at all.
I grow ALL of my sprouts in a jar!
Happy Sprouting! 
"The doctor of the
future will give no medicine, But will interest his patients in the
care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of
disease." -Thomas Edison
I have read so much about sprouts and their superb health values and did a great job on explaining that all in one post. Thanks for sharing.
Great post, thanks for featuring my Garden Hutch! I grew up eating sprouts at my home!My parents were very healthy people in the 70's.
We were vegetarians then.. So I am semi vegetarian. Fish and sometimes turkey. I go back and forth
Hugs Maria
Love Love Love all this healthful eating info on sprouting! Pinning right now. Thanks for linking up with #theWeekendSocial. Hope to see you next week!
Hi Mary,
I agree that it is very important to control the quality of our sprouts by growing our own. It is a much safer way to enjoy these nutritious treats. Your detailed information has inspired me to get back to sprouting again so thank you for sharing this valuable post with us at the Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural Party Blog Hop! We appreciate it!
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