Sunday, June 26, 2016

Mary's Heirloom Seeds GIVEAWAY

We LOVE Giveaways!!!!  I'm sure we'll sponsor another when our FB page reaches 10,000 likes but today we're sharing one Just Because!!!  Are you ready???

This is a super simple giveaway with loads of seeds!  We will pick 2 winners on Wednesday June 29th at midnight PST.

One lucky winner will receive our "In the Kitchen" Herb Garden pack.

This is a great starter kit for your Kitchen Herb Garden.  Includes a full-pack of the following varieties:
-Genovese Basil
-Dill Vierling

Our second lucky winner will receive our Mary's Green Machine Combo Pack

Includes one FULL PACK of the following varieties:
-Arugula "Roquette"
-Catalogna Puntarelle Dandelion
-Russian Red Kale
-Little Gem Lettuce
-Rainbow Swiss Chard

That's over 700 Seeds!!  SAVE on GREENS when you purchase our combo pack!
About Mary's Heirloom Seeds

Mary's Heirloom Seeds is a "mom and pop" small business created out of a desire to help people become more sustainable and self-sufficient. Our customers know that we are a simple phone call or email away

We currently offer over 350 varieties of Heirloom, open-pollinated, non-gmo non-hybrid, non-patented,  untreated and organic seeds.   Mary has signed the Safe Seed pledge AND the the Declaration of Seed Freedom.  
Are you ready to enter the giveaway?

Giveaway is open to all Residents of the US and Canada.
Giveaway opens 6/26/2016 and ends Wednesday, June 29th at Midnight PST.
All giveaway entrants will be added to Mary's Heirloom Seeds mailing list.
Your information is never sold and we never send spam emails.

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