Friday, June 29, 2018

FALL Garden Seed Giveaway from Mary's Heirloom Seeds

We LOVE Giveaways!!!!
With Fall Garden planning underway,  Mary's Heirloom Seeds has decided to sponsor Another Giveaway.
Are you ready???

  This is a super simple giveaway with loads of seeds and supplies for a Fall Garden!  This Giveaway will run from Friday, June 29th thru Thursday, July 5th at midnight and is open to residents of the US and Canada
We will pick One Lucky Winner on Friday, July 6th

Our unique selection of cool-weather crops is perfect for your fall garden.  These are individual packs of seeds.  This combo pack includes the seed selection from our regular Fall Garden Combo Pack, plus quite a few more for a total of 12 seed packs
Arugula (100)
Russian Red Kale (100)
Purple Plum Radish (100)
Bloomsdale Longstanding Spinach (200)
Calabrese Broccoli (100)
Dwarf Pak Choy Cabbage (100)
Fennel (100)
Detroit Dark Red Beet (100)
Scarlet Nantes Carrot (100)
Long Island Brussels Sprouts (80)
Snowball Self-Blanching Cauliflower (200)
Rainbow Swiss Chard (100)

Coconut coir growing medium comes from the coconut's fibrous husk (known as coir) that is bound together by lignin (known as pith).  With the addition of water, coir expands to an easy to work with growing medium. The addition of water increases the volume 3 to 9 times, depending on the packaging of products. This process results in a 100% organic, biodegradable growing medium, making it a natural and safe growth medium of choice for growers


Easy to use instant Compost Tea.
Each packet of powdered mix makes a gallon of full strength compost tea or 2 gallons of diluted compost tea.
Foliar feed
All purpose fertilizer
Pre-Soak for seeds
NPK is 6-5-5 plus Calcium and Trace Minerals.

Easy to use instant fish-based foliar feed or Tea.
Foliar feed
Transplant root soak to reduce stress/shock
Pre-Soak for seeds
DIY Liquid fertilizer

 5-4-2 Fertilizer
Ideal for all plant types, use Mountain Flower Root Boost to encourage expansive root systems, increased crop yields and superior quality flowers, fruits, herbs and vegetables.
Boosts Microbial Activity

From Mary,
Mary's Heirloom Seeds is a "mom and pop" small business created out of a desire to help people become more sustainable and self-sufficient. Our customers know that we are a simple phone call or email away
We currently offer over 500 varieties of Heirloom, open-pollinated, non-gmo & non-hybrid garden Seeds.  Mary has signed the Safe Seed Pledge AND the Declaration of Seed Freedom.

Are you ready to enter the giveaway?

Giveaway is open to all Residents of the US and Canada.
Giveaway opens 6/29/2018 and ends Thursday, July 5th at Midnight.
All giveaway entrants will be added to Mary's Heirloom Seeds mailing list.
Your information is never sold and we never send spam emails.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tuesdays with a Twist #270 LINKUP

Good Morning and welcome to another No Rules Party!

It's a warming up!!  It was in the 90s here yesterday and they garden is FULL of delicious veggies.

If you're interested in planning your next garden (or your first garden), check out Mary's 2018 Planting Guide for the US

Are you ready for the party?   We're your hosts 
Add our button if you've been featured!

The party starts every Tuesday at 7am EST and will continue until Saturday at 11:59am.  Feel free to stop back any time and "like" your favorites.  Please visit other blogs if you have a moment. 
Share older posts as well as new ones.  No limit on links!
*Pictures should be your own* 
By linking up you give us permission to use these photos
 (with proper link backs) in our features.   And now for the party!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Join me!

Good morning!  I've decided to post our Homesteading info and updates on a new blog.

Don't worry, I'm still keeping up with this one and will continue our Link Parties every Tuesday.

SoCal Homestead will be a bit more of a story telling in Pictures type of blog.  Follow me at SoCal Homestead if you'd like to see what's going on.

Fresh Eggs are delicious!

We have a GIVEAWAY coming....This Friday we'll announce the details.

You can also Follow SoCal Homestead on facebook

I have another one too if you're looking for a group.  Homesteading Info on facebook is a great place to share your homesteading info, links or ask questions.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Tuesdays with a Twist #269 LINKUP

Good Morning and welcome to another No Rules Party!

It's a warming up!!  It was in the 90s here yesterday and they garden is FULL of delicious veggies.

If you're interested in planning your next garden (or your first garden), check out Mary's 2018 Planting Guide for the US

Are you ready for the party?   We're your hosts 
Add our button if you've been featured!

The party starts every Tuesday at 7am EST and will continue until Saturday at 11:59am.  Feel free to stop back any time and "like" your favorites.  Please visit other blogs if you have a moment. 
Share older posts as well as new ones.  No limit on links!
*Pictures should be your own* 
By linking up you give us permission to use these photos
 (with proper link backs) in our features.   And now for the party!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

NEW Garden Necklaces

I've been enjoying creating this week.  I started making necklaces back in 2016 to help fund a few of our School Garden projects. Sometimes it seems like there aren't enough hours in the day between the seed biz, the farm and helping out at the skate shop.  That might be why I have been a bit slow to add new necklaces.

Well, this week has been LOTS of fun making a few new necklaces.  I've decided to offer FREE SHIPPING within the US on every unique item in my Garden Necklace collection!
You are my Sunshine
20 inch chain necklace
"You are my Sunshine" Sunflower pendant with Happy Sun, "Love" heart and flower charms
*We can customize upon request*
20 inch chain necklace
Bee and honeycomb pendant with charms
*We can customize upon request*
Flying Steampunk Pig
24 inch chain necklace
Flying Steampunk Pig pendant with Leaf & Flower jewel charms
*We can customize upon request*
Stag Moon
20 inch chain necklace 
Stag Moon pendant with Heart and Jewel charms.  Also available with feather charm.
*We can customize upon request*

Blue Butterflies

20 inch chain necklace
Blue Butterflies pendant with Butterfly and Flower Jewel charms
*We can customize upon request*

There are quite a few more available.  CLICK HERE
I'll be updating our Garden Necklace collection as they become available.  Because these are assembled by me, availability is limited for now.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Radishes in Different Shapes, Colors and Sizes

There is so much beauty in the Garden.  Heirloom Radish is arguably one of the easiest crops to grow in the garden.  Whether you have an acre of land or a small backyard plot, you can grow any variety of Radish.

Today I'm going to share a few of my favorite heirloom Radish varieties from Mary's Heirloom Seeds.

 22 days. The classic, round red radish with crisp white flesh that is mild and tasty. 
Has better warm weather tolerance than many.


*Disclaimer* These radish don't usually get this BIG.  I forgot about this one but it was still delicious!
25 days.  Beautiful variety of crisp radish.  Strong, hardy roots with a beautiful purple skin over crisp white flesh.  A fantastic addition to any salad or dish.

 55 days.  A true heirloom with a snowy white interior and jet black skin.  Black Spanish is a great fall/winter planted radish.
The flesh is crisp and warming. Perfect for salads or raw with a little salt. Easy to grow.

 55 days.  The watermelon radish has ball-shaped root that is about 4 inches in diameter. 
The color starts with deep green shoulders that fade to a bright white skin.

 60-70 days.  Popular old Japanese favorite; the giant white roots grow to 24 inches long and 3 inches wide. Sweet and very crisp, this radish is a delight pickled, stir-fried, steamed or raw.

 28 days.   Smooth, round cherry red radishes in only 28 days.
Champion radishes don't get hot or woody when they reach maturity like other radishes can.

 30 days.  Long tapered deep red roots that are 6-7" long. Long Scarlet has crisp, tender white flesh, medium tops, for bunching. Very heavy yielding variety.

ARE YOU READY TO PLANT A FEW RADISH?  For even more varieties of Heirloom Radish, check out Mary's Heirloom Seeds collection!

Tuesdays with a Twist #268 LINKUP

Good Morning and welcome to another No Rules Party!

It's a warming up!!  It was in the 90s here yesterday and they garden is FULL of delicious veggies.

If you're interested in planning your next garden (or your first garden), check out Mary's 2018 Planting Guide for the US

Are you ready for the party?   We're your hosts 
Add our button if you've been featured!

The party starts every Tuesday at 7am EST and will continue until Saturday at 11:59am.  Feel free to stop back any time and "like" your favorites.  Please visit other blogs if you have a moment. 
Share older posts as well as new ones.  No limit on links!
*Pictures should be your own* 
By linking up you give us permission to use these photos
 (with proper link backs) in our features.   And now for the party!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Have You Seen the Joey?

I have and it's beautiful!

If you're like me and you've resorted to using your t-shirt to haul your garden harvest then you'll be THRILLED to use the Joey Apron!  The JOEY APRON is now available at Mary's Heirloom Seeds.

-Adjustable cotton straps fit any size in comfort.
-Made from industrial strength cotton
-Water resistant nylon storage pouch
-Plastic hooks allow for easy release of the pouch
-Machine washable

The Joey is perfect in assisting you with harvesting your vegetables from your vegetable garden, pulling weeds or collecting anything that needs to be put away.

Friday, June 8, 2018

My New Favorite Book!

You might have seen that I'm making a few changes to My Bookshelf.  This is now one of my top pics!
Scientist/gardener Carol Deppe combines her passion for organic gardening with newly emerging scientific information from many fields ― resilience science, climatology, climate change, ecology, anthropology, paleontology, sustainable agriculture, nutrition, health, and medicine. In the last half of The Resilient Gardener, Deppe extends and illustrates these principles with detailed information about growing and using five key crops: potatoes, corn, beans, squash, and eggs.

I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!  The author Carol Deppe has a real-life perspective on growing food in different conditions and financial circumstances.  

When I purchased The Resilient Gardener I thought it would be a survival book.  While is is a bit about surviving in the garden, it is a more well-rounded homesteading book.  I love her writing.  It's easy going and simple.

The 5 key crops: potatoes, corn, beans, squash and eggs are true staples on a homestead.  Of course, we have Mary's Heirloom Seeds for our organic garden needs so that's a plus.  The eggs we have on our homestead come from chickens.  After reading The Resilient Gardener I am very interested in adding Ducks.

Here's a quote from the beginning of The Resilient Gardener
"I do it primarily because growing and using those potatoes, corn, beans and squash provides superb food of a quality I can't buy, personal satisfaction and greater joy and health for myself"

YES!!  I wholeheartedly agree with this.  We GROW.  We don't necessarily grow because it's cheaper or more convenient that the store.  We grow because it makes me feel good knowing that I can provide healthy, clean food for my family.  As an added bonus, I can use my own garden to help customers at Mary's Heirloom Seeds grow their own healthy gardens!

When I finish reading I'll post a follow up and let you know how it was.  So far, I highly recommend this book!

*This post contains affiliate links.  This is one of several ways we fund our homestead projects.  If you choose to purchase these books using the links I might make a small commission.  Any and all opinions shared are my own*

Thursday, June 7, 2018

JUNE Garden Specials @ Mary's Heirloom Seeds

Mary's Heirloom Seeds
Quick Links
Join Our List
A few favorites


June 7, 2018

Did you enjoy are recent email about Growing Summer Squash?  It was quite a hit!
We hope you're enjoying warmer weather and thriving gardens.  Below you'll find our June specials available now at Mary's Heirloom Seeds


Approx 1.5 pounds per compressed brick 
Add water to increase volume 3 to 9 times!
Quite a few of our heirloom radish varieties are only 99 Cents a pack this month!  

Re-mineralize your soil with Azomite and your plants will thank you and reward you!

  Humates (Coarse Grade) derived from Leonardite shale and a natural source of humic substances and trace minerals from New Mexico. Contains 45% humic acids.


Easy to use instant Kelp Tea.
Choose the 1 or 5 gallon option. 

Choose from 24, 50 or 100 pellets and SAVE!
Add water, and the Coconut Pellets quickly swell to become a perfect self contained pot with its own perfect medium for starting seeds.
 It should be tilled in the soil before planting or can be top dressed, incorporated into potting soils, seed beds and composting material.

Each kit includes
Seeds: Speckled lettuce, Rainbow Swiss Chard, Tom Thumb Lettuce, Endive and Arugula
20 coconut Coir Pellets
Plant Markers

Calcium is a component of plant cell walls, and it's needed for enzyme formation and nitrate uptake. Organic calcium can also be used to help neutralize excessively acidic soils, which is especially important when you're growing green, leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach, or cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and kale.

Each kit includes
Seeds: Butterfly Weed, Plains Coreopsis, Echinacea Purpurea, Marigold and Lacy Phacelia
20 coconut Coir Pellets
Plant Markers



If you have additional questions please feel free to ask. 

Happy Planting,

Mary's Heirloom Seeds, P. O. Box 3763, Ramona, CA 92065