
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Recycling in Your Garden

There are many way to use recycled goods in your garden...

Recycling in your garden 
Mary's Heirloom Seeds

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"Ballistic Seed Balls"

Seed bombing or aerial reforestation is a technique of introducing vegetation to land by throwing or dropping compressed bundles of soil containing live vegetation, seed balls.
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Are you ready to get a jump on your
New Year's Resolutions for your garden?  Let's Go!

How do we Recycle?
-Compost: Compost is a natural soil amendment and garden fertilizer. It can be made FREE using kitchen scraps. Apple cores, celery or carrots parts, rinds and peels from fruits and veggies...throw it all in there! But don't stop there- also use grass clipping, dead leaves and other yard waste.
Not only does composting save money on expensive fertilizers and soil amendments, it keeps all of this "trash" out of your garbage bin and out of landfills.
-ReUse: It's not necessary to purchase fancy or expensive containers in the garden.  I prefer to use recycled pots and containers.  For seedlings, I have cleaned (sterilized) yogurt or cottage cheese containers and then poked holes in them for drainage.  When I ran out of plastic I used recycled toilet paper rolls.

-Save Water: Using rain water to nourish your garden is another great way to recycle and save money.  Sure you can buy expensive equipment, but recycling is easy!
We'd love to hear how You recycle in the garden!

"The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum, and that as long as the sun still shines and people still can plan and plant, think and do, we can, if we bother to try, find ways to provide for ourselves without diminishing the world. "
  --Michael Pollan, The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals


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  1. Great ideas! The one thing I've never noticed anyone talk about recycling, though, is cat litter buckets. The 35 lb. tubs are just the right size for tomatoes and peppers.

  2. I have some plants that have aphids. Instead of throwing them out, or, into a compost pile, what if I burned them and put the ashes in the compost pile?


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