
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pumpkin Seed Soaps Giveaway!

Don't you just LOVE giveaways?  I am thrilled again to join a group of amazing ladies to offer you the chance to win delicious handmade soaps.

About Pumpkin Seed Soaps:

We are a family of seven, our kids range in age from 6-15, we have been homeschooling since the beginning.  About 8 years ago God met a desire of our hearts and moved us from the city to the country where we live on just a few acres but raise laying hens and broilers.  (We had some questions about butchering–that’s how we found your blog :-) ).  We dreamed of  living out in the country so that we could be industrious at home, explore entrepreneurial opportunities, raise some of our food, live a more quiet and peaceful life, build our relationships with one another, etc.  God provided and we have loved every minute of it!

About a year and a half ago life started to feel pretty easy and we became burdened with the call to adoption.  We have many friends who have adopted one, two, three, even four children, children of different ethnic groups, children of different colors, and we love this picture of God’s family, which includes people of every nation, tribe and tongue.   So we chose to adopt from an African country.  God answered our prayer and we accepted a referral this past March. We learned early on, and continue to be reminded, that for some this can be a very difficult and often painful road.  We are praying that no matter what happens, it will be good.  So we trust that God works all things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  This is definitely a faith journey!

We are in the “waiting” phase of our adoption process.  We are waiting to be united with a little boy from Uganda, he is 2 years old, he will be 3 in November.  God has knit our hearts together.  It is a weird feeling to love someone you have never seen.  I have read about this, thinking, really??  Now I have experienced it!  He has the mumps right now and it is so difficult to be separated from him, but we trust in God’s perfect timing as we wait.  Sometimes this waiting thing is excruciating (and frustrating)! 

I have been making natural soap for a few years now after a friend gave me a few bars she had made.  For the first time, after using her soap, I did not have to slather my body with moisturizer after stepping out of the shower!  So I started to make my own, sharing it with family and friends and even selling it at the local farmers market.  Friends encouraged us to sell it on Etsy and we decided we would take the plunge in hopes of raising some funds to help cover some of our adoption expenses.  Hence our little slogan,  “Support (our) adoption, buy (our) soap.” :-)   100% of the profits from our soap sales goes directly into our adoption fund.

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Our Giveaway Hosts!

Kathi from Oak Hill Homestead

Nancy @ Prudent Living On The Home Front

Ann @ Summers Acres

Jenny @ Black Fox Homestead

Sandra @ Clearwater Farm

Mary @ Homegrown on the Hill

and Lisa @ The Self Sufficient HomeAcre & Little Homestead on the Hill

Alison @ Mumtopia

Mary @ Back to the Basics and Mary’s Kitchen

Janet @ Timber Creek Farm

Enter The Giveaway!

We will select one lucky reader to receive the Scents of the Season Soap Collection with Cedar Soap Holder! The Giveaway ends on October 3rd, one week from be sure to enter now for your chance to win! (Please be sure to like the Facebook Pages, or leave a blog post comment for your chance to win...we will check to be sure you did!) a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. As a pediatric nurse, I see lots of little ones who need good parents. I love adoption and am heading over to Etsy right now to support this family. Thanks for letting me know about them!

  2. What a wonderful giveaway and Hop. Thanks for hosting!

  3. I love that the money is going towards their adoption fund. I was adopted as a child. Besides, pumpkins are the best!

    Is the giveaway open to Canadians? Regardless, once I know, I'll tweet it out to my followers.

    Thanks for linking up to my weekly Thursday BlogLovin Hop (

    Besos, Sarah
    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo


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