
Friday, September 6, 2013

Planting Seeds in September: HERBS

Baby Sunflower
Are you planting a Fall Garden? This month I decided to split up my posts for September seed Starting.

If you live in the South this is when we really get a chance to grow!  It has been SO hot this summer that not much grew in my own garden...Until now!

Herbs to grow in the South during September

Anise, Basil, Borage, Chevril, Marjoram, Parsley and Thyme.

Growing Anise
From Herb Gardening:  Sow  outdoors in spring after danger of frost has past and/or Fall (in
temperate  climates) in light well-drained soil.  Anise seeds will germinate in soil in approximately 14 days when the soil temperature is at 70 degrees F.
Anise prefers poor, light, well-drained soil. Fertilizer is not required unless the soil is very poor. - Anise grown outdoors prefers full sun while being protected from wind.
Purple Opal Basil

Growing Basil
From Back to the Basics:   Sow Basil seeds outdoors when soil is warm and temperature does not drop below 65°F.  Basil can also be started indoors 4-6 weeks before planting out. Seeds usually germinate within 7 days of planting.  Seedlings need 6-8 hours of sunlight .  Basil can be grown indoors on a nice sunny ledge or windowsill or outdoors in a sunny spot.
Make successive plantings for continuous summer supplies. Pinch back flower stalks as they appear to keep plants from bolting.  Basil prefers rich well-drained soil.

Growing Borage
From Back to the Basics: Sow Borage seeds indoors on surface of soil. *I gently push into soil* 
Borage can be directly sown outdoors two weeks after the last spring frost. Prefers rich, moist, well-drained soil.   If you use Peat Pellets for seed-starting they might have a better chance of survival.
Divide every 3-4 years. Companion plant for Tomatoes, Squash, Strawberries and more
Borage is fantastic added to salad
Growing Chervil
From Herb Gardening: Chervil seed should be planted outdoors about 2 weeks before the last frost. The seeds need light to germinate and should therefore be planted in uncovered 1/2-1 inch deep furrows outdoors.
Chervil seeds will germinate in soil between approximately 7 and 14 days. New seeds should be planted every few weeks for a continuous harvest throughout the season. -Space Chervil plants 12 inches (30 cm) apart in containers or sown directly into the soil.  Chervil does not transplant well.

Growing Marjoram
From Herb Gardening:  Sweet marjoram seeds will germinate in approximately 8 to 14 days. seed, sow indoors six weeks before last frost; or direct sow in fall; or winter sow in coldframe or unheated greenhouse. Propagates well through softwood and semi-hardwood cuttings. Propagates well through rootball division.  plants should be spaced between 15 and 18 inches (38 - 45 cm) apart.  usually grows to a height of 24 to 36 inches (60 - 90cm).

Growing Parsley
From Herb Gardening:  Parsley seeds will germinate in approximately 21 to 28 days. Patience and consistent moisture levels are key. - indoors in sunny location or under plant grow lights six weeks before last frost. Transplant to garden after all danger of frost has passed. usually grows to a height of 12 to 18 inches (30 - 45cm). Parsley plants should be spaced between 9 and 12 inches (22-30 cm) apart.

Growing Thyme
From Back to the Basics:   Thyme seeds are tiny. I recommend sprinkling over damp soil and then adding a fine layer over your seeds. Plant thyme seeds in early spring about 6-8 seeds per "hole".  If planting in volume, mix sand with the seed to prevent overplanting.
Read about Companion Planting to get the best results in your herb and veggie garden.   Thyme deters cabbage worms! Once your seedlings emerge, plant your Thyme no closer than 8 inches apart. Young plants should be set out in the garden in June, preferably in damp ground or just prior to rain.

I like to be a bit of a Rebel Gardener!  I just planted Dill, Oregano and Lavender! LOVE using homegrown Dill in my recipes. 

Growing Dill
From Back to the Basics:   To plant dill, place seeds over loose soil and cover about a half inch deep.  Keep soil moist but not water-logged. If you have some moisture in the air this is great. But if you struggle with moisture in the air you will want to mist your dill plant from time to time. 
Dill is a very easy herb to grow and can be grown indoors or outdoors.   Dill enjoys full sun, and flourishes in average to fertile soil with good drainage.Sun can damage dill if it has too much of it. However, you will want sun shining on it at least six hours a day.  

Growing Lavender
From Back to the BasicsLavender can be grown from seed or from cuttings.  Lavender can be difficult growing from seed but not impossible.  Make sure that you plant lavender in warm weather. It should be in the late spring or Early summer. Lavender needs lots of sunshine. Make sure that it will not be in a great deal of shade.
Soil is very important.  Drainage is important and should include loose compost.  Lavender can be grown both in the ground as well as in containers.  The larger the container, the larger the plant may grow.

Growing Oregano
From Easy to Grow Herbs:   If you want to grow Oregano from seeds, you should start indoors in seedling pots. The plants should be planted about 10-12 inches apart in well-drained soil, where there is a lot of sunshine. Oregano grows well in most conditions, provided there is enough sunshine. Only water your Oregano when it is very dry. In general, Oregano can grow to over 2 feet high but on average, will reach a height of 1 foot.
There you have it!  Herbs Seeds to grow in the South during September 


  1. Thanks so much for this awesome planting guide! It's given me the motivation to start my pot garden! I feature your post in my Friday's Fave!

  2. I tried growing lavender, a landscape friend of mine said it is to hot here. Any idea of the temperature range, like 64-86 it grows well.


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